Information for foreign students
The Goethe- and Universitytown Ilmenau is the biggest city in the Ilm-Kreis. It`s a town with a nice historic old town sorrounded by woods and green hills.
Mayor of Ilmenau is Dr. Daniel Schultheiß. Mayoress is Beate Misch.
Ilmenau has currently 38.917 inhabitants (as of May 2023) in sixteen districs and the core city.
important administrative matters
registration office
Am Markt 7
98693 Ilmenau
apply for Bafög
Landratsamt Ilm-Kreis (district office)
Max-Planck-Ring 9
98693 Ilmenau
apply for housing allowance
Bahnhofstraße 7
98693 Ilmenau
What to do in Ilmenau?

sports and leisure
- toboggan run
- ice pavilion
- indoor / outdoor swimming pool
- different fitness centers
- hiking and bicycle trails (local mountains)
- cinema
- ice cream parlors, restaurants and bars
- miniature golf, petting zoo
- lakes and dams

- 825 years of Langewiesen (until 08.07.2023)
- Science night (01.07.2023)
- Schlossparkfest Gehren (18.08.-20.08.2023)
- Kickelhahnfest (26. & 27.08.2023)
- Weihnachtsmarkt Langewiesen (09. & 10.12.2023)
- Weihnachtsmarkt Ilmenau (14.12.-17.12.2023)
- Neujahrslauf (30.12.2023-01.01.2024)
- Ostermarkt (23. & 24.03.2024)
- Chess days (24.04-28.04.2024)

Goethe in Ilmenau
The famous german poet Goethe visited Ilmenau many times. He celebrated his last birthday in Ilmenau (82 years). In 1780/82 it was Goethes task to reform the Ilmenau tax system. Some of his works are Faust, Die Leiden des jungen Werthers, Erlkönig and Prometheus.