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Networks, Competence Centers and Initiatives

Technology-driven companies find support in corporate networks, competence centers and initiatives.

automotive thüringen e.V. Trade association of Thuringia
Batterie-Innovations- und Technologie-Center (BITC) BITC considers itself a platform for networking companies and research institutions in order to develop innovative technologies and products for the automotive and energy industries of tomorrow. This know-how is jointly developed and transferred into qualification measures for (supra)regional specialists.
BVMW Ilm-Kreis Federal Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Entrepreneurial Association of Germany e.V.
Elektronische Mess- und Gerätetechnik Thüringen (ELMUG) e.G. Industrial cluster of developers, manufacturers, suppliers, service providers as well as research institutes of electronic measuring and instrumentation technology in Thuringia
Energie- und Umweltpark Thüringen e.V. (EUT) The association promotes new technologies and techniques for measures of all kinds to protect the natural environment. To this end, it promotes, coordinates and supports suitable projects for demonstration, consulting, research, development, production and application in Thuringia.
FerMeTh Cluster for Manufacturing Technology and Metalworking Thuringia
Forschungs- und Technologieverbund Thüringen e.V. (FTVT) The FTVT is an association of non-profit, business-related research institutions in Thuringia.
Initiative Erfurter Kreuz e.V. Association for the promotion of the economy in the region around the industrial location "Erfurter Kreuz".
Innovationscluster IZZI - Interieur der Zukunft aus der Zulieferindustrie Innovation cluster as a value-added supplier network for the development of innovative automotive interior solutions
ITnet Thüringen e.V. Intelligent networking and growth of the IT industry in Thuringia
Logistik-Netzwerk Thüringen e.V. Strengthening Thuringia as a logistics location by developing future-proof, sustainable and demand-oriented solutions for the logistics industry with and for its members
medways e.V. Innovative products and procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of age-related diseases are developed in the member companies, research institutes and universities
MENT - Media Network Thuringia The purpose of the association is the coordination and strengthening of the media and creative industries in the region of Thuringia as well as the promotion of business start-ups, settlements and expansions.
Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Ilmenau informs SMEs about the opportunities and challenges of digitization with expert knowledge, demonstration centers, best-practice examples, and networks for the exchange of experience
Netzwerk Gesunde Arbeit in Thüringen offers Thuringia's companies and public service institutions free, in-depth advice on the subject of healthy work and provides support in the search for services tailored to their needs
OptoNet e.V.
Photonic network of Thuringia represents the interests of the 100 most important players from industry and research and is committed to an internationally successful high-tech industry
PolymerMat e.V. Network of the Thuringian plastics industry
SensorikNet e.V. Sensorik Net e.V. sets itself the task of bundling the competences from industry and science for sensor technology in connection with microelectronics. It serves as a communication platform, cooperation exchange and interest group.
SmartTex Promotion of cooperation between producers, developers and scientists to develop smart textiles and new fields of application
SolarInput e.V. Strategic alliance with currently 30 members from companies, research institutes, universities, colleges, service providers and municipalities
SpectroNet Collaboration cluster for photonics and image processing for quality assurance in
STARTH The start-up advice centers in the Thuringian university start-up network - StarTH - support founders in all phases of their start-up.
Thüringer Erneuerbare Energien Netzwerk (ThEEN) e.V. Competence network for renewable energies, energy storage, energy efficiency and sector coupling
Thüringer Innovationszentrum Mobilität (ThIMo)

In accordance with its strategic orientation, the Thuringian Innovation Center Mobility (ThIMo) pursues the goal of accompanying the transformation of industry towards sustainable mobility technologies.

Thüringer Kompetenzzentrum Wirtschaft 4.0

The team of the Thuringian Competence Center Economy 4.0 provides initial and orientation advice and information on digitization topics.

Thüringer Transformationsagentur Automotiv

The "Thuringian Transformation Agency Automotive" would like to create a networking platform that sensitizes companies in the automotive industry and their suppliers to the transformation process and provides them with suitable tools.

Thüringer Wasser-Innovationscluster (ThWIC) ThWIC combines cutting-edge research on key aspects of water use: novel analysis technologies and purification processes, data science innovations and sociological research. Together with partners from industry, it is working on solutions for sustainable water management.
Thüringer Zentrum für Lernende Systeme und Robotik (TZLR)

The TZLR sees itself as a Thuringia-wide contact and interface between university, non-university research institutions and industry.

Thüringer Zentrum für Maschinenbau Innovation partner for the manufacturing industry in the application of modern mechanical engineering technologies
Transfernetwork "Automotive goes Subsea" The connection of companies and institutions in the automotive sector and the maritime sector creates sustainable new value chains on the coast and inland. The network is also intended to initiate new, innovative research projects.
UP THÜRINGEN The start-up ecosystem consists of a network with many different partners who support start-ups in Thuringia.
VDE Arbeitskreis Biomedizintechnik Competence networking and exchange of experience
ZeTT - Zentrum Digitale Transformation ZeTT analyzes current developments in the field of digitization in Thuringia and their impact on the economy and the world of work. Based on this, it advises SMEs and develops and tests innovative teaching and learning concepts for identified qualification needs.

Thuringia's technology-driven networks have bundled their appointments on one platform: